T[w]o You Fo[u]r You

My Favorite ~Pink[u] + Black + White + Hello Kitty + Kuromi + Ayumi Hamasaki[my JPOP Queen] + Jay Chou + LuoZhiXiang + Tackey & Tsubasa + Akanishi Jin + Yamashita Tomohisa + Toma Ikuta + ....ต่าย อรทัย + ศิริพร อำไพพงษ์(หน้าไม่ให้แต่ใจมักหลายเด้ออออ)~....My Hello Kitty Blog

November 16, 2006

蔡依林演唱会即将举行 与罗志祥彩排热舞笑不停

蔡依林演唱会即将举行 与罗志祥彩排热舞笑不停


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Cai Yilin 演唱会 soon is held and Luo Zhixiang the color 排热 dance smiles does not stop

Cai Yilin soon is taken to the threshing ground in Taibei great egg 演唱会, these days she all crowdedly is practicing the dance, but also has section of hot dances with special guest Luo Zhixiang, two people when dress rehearsal, because awkward is shy does not stop the laughter during a performance, Luo Zhixiang speaks frankly with Cai Yilin dances very happy, can be excited. Luo Zhixiang has the favorable impression to Cai Yilin, was already not the secret, can with the Jolin hot dance, his joyful sentiment be reveals in speech and appearance. The singer fan in order to as soon as sees two person of sexy hot dances, three tickets have all sold out, Taibei great egg also special courteous reception Cai Yilin, for the first time spreads out the red rug in 演唱会 the entrance, greets the singer fans to enter the stadium.

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